Into the gates of the newly built housing facility there drove a hoody wearing, small stick insect like young man of the kind that shrank in real life encounters, and yet was arrogant and affected in their anonymous online presence, and proud and cold in his email communications with his fellow molars In Mountain View California, for he possessed the live data 360 of a few hundred digital souls, and, who regarded by their tech colleagues, as a person of middle place in the glass ceiling organisation. In the chair sat an awkward young man neither handsome, nor possessing a displeasing aspect, neither fat, nor thin, not old or over young. He's arrival in Mountain View California caused no stir Or excitement for himself, or anyone else, just like a stick insect he observed the world of people without connection or attachment the only satisfaction he had was that he could access all the data of the users in his mind, he thought to himself, and gave a rise smile when he read ---
It was an irony that the people who are trusted with the emotional lives and data of some many users, never consider the feelings of the users. They’re merely live data. Not people.
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